33rd EAEVE GA – Nantes 2020

Du 3 au 4 décembre 2020

33rd General Assembly of the European Association of
Establishments for Veterinary Education – Nantes, France

3rd December 2020 : General Assembly by webconference
4th December 2020 : Educational Day cancelled

Welcome to Nantes

Due to the global sanitary crisis, the General Assembly could not be maintained in Nantes. Oniris will however organize the e-meeting on 3rd december.

Oniris is the result of the amalgamation of two higher education schools that where founded in the early 1970’s to specialize in Veterinary Medicine and in Food Science and Engineering. This unique combination makes Oniris one of the few European institutions where engineering and veterinary students can interact in an environment that brings together the concept of One Health concept and Food Safety. Our ambition is to train high-flying professionals concerned with international challenges on the topics of animal and human health, the environment, sustainability and food.

The link to the Zoom session will be sent today by the EAEVE office. To those VEE with voting rights, the voting keys will be sent on Wednesday morning by the Nantes team.

Visit our school of veterinary medicine in Nantes, France


For further information, please contact :

AS connect évènement – Aurore MORVAN
Tel. +33 (0)2 40 20 15 95


Lucile Martin – Marc Gogny – Matthieu Crapart – Elodie Alligné – Dominique Buzoni-Gatel – Marie Caparros –  Philippe Gaubert – Raphaël Guatteo – Corinne Leroux